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Session Type: Showcase Symposium
Program Session: 1488 | Submission: 12565 | Sponsor(s): (OMT, BPS)
Scheduled: Monday, Aug 7 2017 4:45PM - 6:15PM at Atlanta Marriott Marquis in Marquis M302
Linking Formal Organization and Informal Social Structure
Formal and Informal Structures

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Organizer: Julien Clement, INSEAD
Discussant: Bill Mcevily, U. of Toronto
Discussant: David Krackhardt, Carnegie Mellon U.
Formal organization (the set of interactions mandated through formal authority inside an organization) and informal structure (the dynamic pattern of interactions which emerges out of individuals’ own volition) are inherently related, yet have traditionally been treated separately by management scholars. This symposium showcases research which embraces the interplay between formal and informal structures, and emphasizes its importance for the performance of organizations. Presentations will showcase different facets of this interplay, and different methods through which it can be investigated. The symposium will conclude with discussions by scholars whose work has greatly contributed to the emergence of work in this domain, who will reflect on the opportunities and challenges for future research and stimulate dialog with members of the audience.
Search Terms: social networks | formal structure | organization design
Constrained by Power: Team Power Structures and Supplier Experimentation
Presenter: Trevor Daniel Young-Hyman, U. of Pittsburgh
Presenter: Adam M. Kleinbaum, Dartmouth College
Network Resilience
Presenter: Maxim Sytch, U. of Michigan
Presenter: Yong Kim, U. of Michigan
Presenter: Mijeong Kwon, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Do Social Networks Affect the Division of Labor? Evidence from Natural Experiments in e-Sports
Presenter: Julien Clement, INSEAD
Organizational Strategic Change and Self-Organizing Networks
Presenter: Kenneth William Foster, Rowe School of Business, Dalhousie U.
KEY TO SYMBOLS Teaching-oriented Teaching-oriented   Practice-oriented Practice-oriented   International-oriented International-oriented   Theme-oriented Theme-oriented   Research-oriented Research-oriented   Teaching-oriented Diversity-oriented
Selected as a Best Paper Selected as a Best Paper