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Session Type: Showcase Symposium
Program Session: 1516 | Submission: 13774 | Sponsor(s): (TIM, BPS, OCIS)
Scheduled: Monday, Aug 7 2017 4:45PM - 6:15PM at Hyatt Regency Atlanta in Hanover Hall C
A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective on Platform Ecosystems Research
Platform Ecosystems Panel

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Organizer: Joost Rietveld, Rotterdam School of Management
Organizer: Richard Tee, Luiss Guido Carli U.
Discussant: Melissa Schilling, New York U.
Panelist: Kevin Boudreau, London Business School
Panelist: Satish Nambisan, Case Western Reserve U. WSOM
Panelist: Fernando Suarez, Northeastern U.
Panelist: Marshall Van Alstyne, Boston U.
Platform ecosystems (e.g., Apple iOS, Sony PlayStation, Amazon) are receiving increasing attention from scholars in various subfields including strategy, innovation, information systems, and entrepreneurship. Nevertheless, each of these fields has their own set of definitions, research questions, and research agendas which can cause incongruence and silo-thinking. This panel symposium attempts to initiate a cross- disciplinary conversation and improve our understanding of platform ecosystems. Our goals are 1) to understand common features of platform ecosystems, 2) to learn about state of the art research on platform ecosystems from various subfields, and 3) identify opportunities for cross-disciplinary research that pushes the envelope of platforms research. We accomplish these goals by bringing together four high-profile platform scholars from the strategic management, innovation, information systems, and entrepreneurship fields. We further work with a senior scholar who is well-positioned to cut across disciplinary silos and moderate a constructive discussion on platform ecosystem research.
Search Terms: platforms | ecosystems | multi-disciplinary perspective
KEY TO SYMBOLS Teaching-oriented Teaching-oriented   Practice-oriented Practice-oriented   International-oriented International-oriented   Theme-oriented Theme-oriented   Research-oriented Research-oriented   Teaching-oriented Diversity-oriented
Selected as a Best Paper Selected as a Best Paper