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        2019 AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings including Best Papers

Editor: Guclu Atinc, Texas A&M; University, Commerce

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Based on the filter selections, displaying 327 submissions out of 327 total. Clear Selections     ||     Back to the Online Program      
, Shalini Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
Entrepreneurship Discourse as a Cultural Tool to Gain Legitimacy: The Case of Uber and Ola in India
Abebe, Michael A. U. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
The Influence of CEO Political Outspokenness on Stock Market Reaction and Firm Performance
Affinito, Salvatore J. U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Daily Interactions with Cynical Coworkers Affect Employee Energy and Behavior
Afrin, Rafia Queen Mary U. of London
Shareholder Reaction to Corporate Water Actions and the Reputational Effects of CSR
Akhtar, Muhammad Waheed COMSATS U. Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus
Interplay of Exploitative Leadership & Fear of Negative Evaluation on Knowledge Hiding & Outcomes
Albareda, Laura Lappeenranta U. of Technology
Commons Paradigm: Embedding Common Good and Collective Action
Ali, Imran Central Queensland U.
The Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Nexus Between Supply Chain Risks and Firm Performance
Allen, Stuart A. Robert Morris U.
A Spiritual Aspect to Executive Coaching
Alonso, Jose Manuel U. of Cantabria
The Politics of Contracting Out: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design
Alonso, Nicole U. of Houston
Developing Leaders to Serve, Developing Servants to Lead
Alt, Elisa Anglia Ruskin U.
Social Intrapreneurship: Unique Challenges and Opportunities for Future Research
Altamimi, Hala Georgia State U.
The Nonprofit Starvation Cycle: Impact of Underfed Overhead on Program Outcomes
Anthony, Callen New York U.
Analytical Tools and the Practices of Validation in the Production of Strategic Analysis
Arslan, Birgul Koc U.
Do Exogenous Shocks Help or Hurt Innovation Performance of Alliances? Evidence from Ebola Outbreak
Audebrand, Luc K. FSA ULaval (Laval U.)
Principles for Responsible Management Education: A Value-Driven Approach
Aydin Ozden, Senem Cass Business School
Smart Timing for Smart Products? Complementor Multihoming in Nascent Platform Markets
Ayvazyan, Araksya Department of Business Administration. U. Carlos III de Madrid
Sharing is Caring: Outbound Open Innovation and the Subsequent Innovation Process
Baba, Sofiane U. of Sherbrooke
Institutional Change as a Discovery Process Through the Development of Awareness
Babalola, Mayowa *United Arab Emirates U.
Stronger Together: Understanding How to Prevent, Reduce, or Eliminate Abusive Supervision at Work
Bacco, Francesca U. Ca' Foscari of Venice
The Role of Boundary Organizations in Collaborations between Incumbent Firms and Start-ups
Behrens, Judith ULB - Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management
Perceptions of Transgenerational Intentions and Nonfamily Employees´ Commitment in Family Firms
Bendella, Hadjira U. of Cologne
Who Networks? – A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Networking and Personality
Bentley, Frederick Scott Binghamton U.-State U. of New York
I’m Better Than This! Managing Overqualified Workers Using the Task Context
Bento, Regina F. U. of Baltimore
Why Didn’t the Watchdogs Bark? Internal Auditing and the Wells Fargo Scandal
Benton, Richard A. U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Eyes on the Horizon? Fragmented Elites and the Short-Term Focus of the American Corporation

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Tuesday, February 18, 2025    

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