Online Program
Session Type: PDW Workshop
Program Session: 8 | Submission: 14268 | Sponsor(s): (CAR, OB, HR)
Scheduled: Friday, Aug 7 2020 8:00AM - 10:00AM at Virtual Session in Real-time Open
Enhance Your Toolkit for Teaching Careers
Toolkit for Teaching Careers
TeachingPracticeTheme: 20/20: Broadening Our Sight

Organizer: Peter Heslin, UNSW Sydney
Facilitator: Jon P. Briscoe, Northern Illinois U.
Facilitator: Suzanne Chan-Serafin, U. of New South Wales
Facilitator: Shoshana Dobrow, London School of Economics
Facilitator: Lauren A. Keating, EMLYON Business School
Facilitator: Leisa Deborah Sargent, UNSW Sydney
Facilitator: Scott Seibert, Rutgers U., School of Management and Labor Relations
Digital Session Chair: Chantal Van Esch, Cal Poly Pomona
This PDW will enable you to learn from a range of high caliber academics from around the world about how to teach careers, either as a whole subject or as a topic in a course such as Leadership, Human Resource Management, or Organizational Behavior. If you would like to be exposed to some well-established and also some emerging career concepts and tools, as well as learn to facilitate some proven experiential career activities, this workshop is for you! The six topics covered will be careers as calling, network analysis and building, diversity and inclusion in careers, career narratives and development planning, career goal setting, and reimagining a careers course curriculum. Participants will hear a brief introduction by the facilitator of the roundtable that will address one of these topics. Participants will then have the opportunity to spend 20min at their preferred three of the six roundtables. The plenary discussion will focus on clarifying any issues raised during the roundtable segments, unearthing participants’ most valuable insights, as well as hearing other career teaching tips and tools that participants would like to share with the whole group. This workshop will be highly interactive, useful, and fun!
KEY TO SYMBOLS Teaching-oriented Teaching-oriented   Practice-oriented Practice-oriented   International-oriented International-oriented   Theme-oriented Theme-oriented   Research-oriented Research-oriented   Teaching-oriented Diversity-oriented
Selected as a Best Paper Selected as a Best Paper