Aaltonen, Valtteri
U. of Helsinki
Heartbeats and Deep Breaths: The Rhythms of Organizing Responsible Management Education
Abraham, Taiwo
U. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Chief Sustainability Officer’s Role Centrality and Corporate Sustainability Performance
Adhur Kutty, Anoop
Aalto U. School of Business
When You Can’t Be Where You Want to Be: Inter-Identity Work of Globally Mobile Professionals
Adrianto, Adrianto
U. of Minnesota
The Effects of Robots on the Workplace
Ajayi, Oluseyi
Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve U.
The Direct Effects of Authentic and Ethical Leadership Approaches on Perceptions of ESG Reporting
Alimardaninaghani, Nastaran
The Ohio State U. Fisher College of Business
Legitimization by Aspiration Setting: Evidence from Token Supply in Initial Coin Offerings
Alizadeh, Armin
Technische U., Darmstadt
Workers’ Judgments of Organizational and Technological Characteristics of Algorithmic Control
Allen, Ryan
U. of Washington
Market Size Inversion: How Diffusion Dynamics Obfuscate the Market Size of Novel Innovations
Alvarez-Garrido, Elisa
U. of South Carolina
Deglobalization and Entrepreneurial Investment: The Natural Experiment of BREXIT
Anckaert, Paul-Emmanuel
SKEMA Business School, U. Côte d’Azur, GREDEG
Edison vs. Pasteur vs. Bohr: The Technological and Scientific Impact of Use-Inspired Science
Andrevski, Goce
Queen's School of Business, Canada
Forbearance Leadership: “Doing Without Doing”
Arteaga, Jorge Luis
Oklahoma State U.
Informality for Good: Institutional Entrepreneurship in the Nicaraguan 2018 Social Crisis
Asante-Agyei, Charis
Syracuse U.
Hybrid Entrepreneurship: An Integrative Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda
Atwell, Jon
Stanford Graduate School of Business
Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Why Complex Interdependencies Need Not Inhibit Effective Search
Aydin, Erhan
Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores U.
Redefining the Age of Enterprise: Embracing Senior Women Entrepreneurs in the Work Ecosystem
Ayoobzadeh, Mostafa
U. of Quebec at Montreal
Contemporary Career Sensemaking: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda
Azevedo-Rezende, Lígia
USC Marshall School of Business
Bearing the Burden: The Effects of Corporate Social Irresponsibility on Employees
Ballesteros, Luis
Boston U. Questrom School of Business
The Dual Labor Effects of Corporate Philanthropy
Balzano, Marco
Ca' Foscari U. of Venice
Hold or Hurry? How Firms Adjust Their Speed of Imitation in the Face of Technological Transitions
Bani Samari, Rachad
American U. of Cairo
Efficient but Poor: Analyzing Dual Crop Interdependency and Poverty Among Smallholders Farmers
Bansal, Gaurav
U. of Wisconsin - Green Bay
The Ambivalent Nature of Trust in AI
Barton, Leon
U. of St. Gallen
Telework and Firm Performance: Individual Access versus Organizational Dispersion
Baruffaldi, Stefano Horst
Politecnico di Milano School of Management
Scientific Paradigms, Graphics Processing Units and the Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
Basri, Elaf
U. of Edinburgh business school
What Makes a Meaningful Day? Navigating Reciprocity and Variability in Crafting Meaningfulness Deals
Baumgaertner, Laura Doriane
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Innovation Collaboration with Start-ups for Organizational Change in Family Firms