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Session Type: Plenary Session
Program Session: 1135 | Submission: 18490 | Sponsor(s): (TIM)
Scheduled: Monday, Aug 8 2016 11:30AM - 1:00PM at Anaheim Marriott in Northwest Marquis Ballroom
TIM Plenary: What TIM Theories are Novel, Non-obvious, and Useful for Innovation Practice?
Are TIM Theories "Patentable"?

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Organizer: Aija E. Leiponen, Cornell U.
Moderator: Christopher L Tucci, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Speaker: Philip Anderson, INSEAD
Speaker: Lee Fleming, U. of California, Berkeley
Speaker: Melissa A. Schilling, New York U.
In this Plenary discussion we explore whether insights arising from TIM research are "patentable" in the sense of being novel, non-obvious, and useful for management practice. Three leading scholars of innovation management and strategy, Melissa Schilling and Joshua Gans will present their critical perspectives, and Chris Tucci will moderate the debate.
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