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        2020 AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings including Best Papers

Editor: Guclu Atinc, Texas A&M; University, Commerce

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Based on the filter selections, displaying 298 submissions out of 298 total. Clear Selections     ||     Back to the Online Program      
Abebe, Michael A. U. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Busy Directors and The Occurrence of Corporate Environmental Misconduct
Abolfathi, Niloofar National U. of Singapore
Market Frictions and Competitive Positions: Lessons from the Mobile Telecommunications Market
Aeon, Brad John Molson School of Business, Concordia U.
Toward a Theory of Subjective Time
Affinito, Salvatore J. U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
From Deviance to Cover-Up: The Roles of Confessional Silence and Punitive Policies
Albader, Latifa Arizona State U.
The Non-Normality of Firm Performance and the Consequences for Strategic Management Theory
Alcaraz, Jose M. Manuel Berlin School of Business and Innovation
Agri-Food and Planetary Stewardship: A Cosmopolitan Lens
Alexy, Nicole Bundeswehr U. Munich
A Metatheoretic Reconstruction of Collective Leadership Studies
Andriani, Pierpaolo Kedge Business School
The Exaptive Channel of Innovation: An Historical Analysis
Andric, Mateja U. of St. Gallen
CEO Divorce and Firm Performance – The Role of CEO’s Family Situation
Anicich, Eric U. of Southern California
Local Racial Diversity, Intergroup Contact, and Exclusionary Organizational Preferences Among Whites
Arnold, John D. U. of Missouri
Welcome Back? Boomerang Employee Performance and Turnover Compared to Internal and External Hires
Arnold, Philipp European Uni Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
Doing Violence: Suffering Bodies in a Refugee Arrival Centre
Atkinson, Mariam Krikorian Harvard U.
Social Identity and the Patient Engagement Experience in Quality Improvement Teams
Augustin, Tomke Jerena Eberhard Karls U. Tübingen
Multicultural and Multilingual Individuals Forming Social Capital
Bacq, Sophie Catherine Indiana U. - Kelley School of Business
Societal Impact at the Nexus of Community and Entrepreneurship: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead
Bain, Kristin U. of Utah
Battling Incivility: Increasing Willingness to Voice Through Amplification
Bakaç, Cafer TUM School of Management, Technical U. of Munich
Implicit Motives as Missing Link Between Transformational Leadership Behaviors and Follower Outcomes
Bao, Yongchuan U. of Alabama in Huntsville
CEO Ambivalence as a Micro-foundation of Organizational Ambidexterity: A Paradoxical Perspective
Barakat, Simone R. Álvares Penteado School of Commerce Foundation (FECAP)
Stakeholder Responsibility and Value Creation in Organizations: Insights from the Health Care Sector
Baruffaldi, Stefano Horst U. of Bath
Fire and Mice: The Effect of Supply Shocks on Basic Science
Bechthold, Laura Aline FIF@Zeppelin U.
Peer Effects in Entrepreneurship Education Field Experimental Evidence on the Role of Gender and Team Emotional Intelligence
Belinda, Casher Kenan-Flagler Business School, U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
An Integrative Self-Control Framework for Unethical Behavior
Bement, Danuse U. of North Texas
Cross-Functional Integration Skill Sets: Minding the Gap Between Employer Needs and BizEd Delivery
Bennett, Daniel L. U. of Louisville
Different Strokes for Different Folks: A Configurational Analysis of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Berends, Guido U. of Groningen
From Signals to Reform Narrative: Reputation Repair Following Corporate Environmental Misconduct

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Tuesday, March 11, 2025    

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